There has been lots of pandemics throughout history and most of them have effected people’s live intensively. Covid-19 (Coronavirus) has been among these major pandemics. Worldwide effects of the Covid-19 pandemic has been dramatic in 2020. There have been both effects in terms of lifestyle regarding trade dynamics and economics. Since, trade networks have declined, businesses have been declared bankrupt, employees have gone unemployed, etc. there has been an economic decline. However, one sector that has emerged and converted this crisis to an opportunity has been electronic commerce. Significantly increasing power of digitalization throughout recent years has already been empowering e-commerce. Because it has been the only way to do shopping and buy urgent needs, Covid-19 pandemics have increased e-commerce enormously in 2020.
Accordingly, this article mainly discusses the term of pandemics and how pandemics acted upon e-commerce with the undergoing process of digital penetration. After reviewing these terms in literature section, a bibliometric analysis have been conducted regarding and the found keywords with this analysis have been discussed.
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In-Text Citation: (Gecit, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Gecit, B. B. (2021). Electronic Commerce During the Covid-19 Pandemics: A Bibliometric Analysis Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 2275–2284.
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