Self-service technology (SST) has been constantly changing. The advancement in communication and information technology has driven customers in Malaysia to perform self-service transactions and consequently such activities are expanding. Among the factors that are said to influence customers to adopt SST are Information and System Quality. Thus, this study was undertaken to confirm the association of Information and System Quality on User Intention to use SST. After studying several companies that provide SST, one of the courier service companies in Malaysia was chosen to participate in the study. This company provides SST facilities in the business interactions with their customers. The items for the research instrument were adopted and adapted from past studies and distributed to 200 walk-in SST users of the courier service company. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability, Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics version 25. The results demonstrated that completeness, format, reliability, accessibility, flexibility, and integration had significant relationship with user intention. Meanwhile, accuracy, currency and timeliness were found to have no significant relationship with user intention. The study provides practical recommendation and suggestion for future research improvement.
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In-Text Citation: (Din et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Din, A. D. M., Rahman, M. K. A., Othman, A. K., Rashid, W. E. W., Masnan, M. J., & AbuJarad, I. (2021). The Association of Information and System Quality toward User Intention in Using Self-Service Technology. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 2265–2274.
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