International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Social Networking Influence on Case Management in Enterprise Business

Open access
The paper sets out from a central proposition that the concept of social adaptive case management (SACM) bears on the evolution of modern businesses in enterprise. Social ACM makes the business case and the active components (information, processes, knowledge, etc.) become active social network elements and connecting knowledge workers. It allows the social network, flexible dialogue and cooperation in the adaptation of knowledge workers and processing complex business cases. It also offers a mechanism to capture and formalize opinion (feedback), the interaction in the social network. This type of information can be converted directly into resource assets (artifact) or affect the optimization of processes definition. SACM uses techniques and tools for development and improvement of business processes and case management solutions. This paper shows the ways that current social technologies and existing social networks can be exploited by business applications.
ACM social environment can be described as networking, which results in the processing a business cases. It can extend ACM access and decision-making to select external partners without compromising the exclusivity of the core group.
The paper discusses how both social networks and social tools such as tagging, communities, ratings, and more can be applied to a business application to improve outcomes and engagement.