International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Influencing the Intention to Use E-Wallet: An Extended Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model

Open access
Around the world, e-wallets have transformed the way people pay for goods and services. Moreover, the Malaysian e-wallet development scene has seen a convergence of a utilitarian payment service and hedonic elements, transforming the perception of consumers towards a typically mundane commerce transaction process. The e-wallet application is a model of contemporary information system that integrates design lessons from the gaming domain into a non-gaming domain in order to capture users' attention and evoke an affective response, that aims to drive e-wallet adoption. Despite e-wallet services receiving much publicity in Malaysia, bank transfer and card payments continue to dominate as e-wallet payment platform struggle attract consumers’ adoption. This is an explanatory research underpinned by an extended Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model (HMSAM). Accordingly, this research addresses the limitation of the TAM model typically used in the Malaysian context by proposing an alternative approach that takes into account the utilitarian motivation of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness; the intrinsic motivation of curiosity, joy, control and gadget love in explaining the intention to use e-wallet. This conceptualization has potential to make significant theoretical and practical contributions to the study of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation predictors and e-wallet use intention in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Seng & Hee, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Seng, W. Q., & Hee, O. C. (2021). Factors Influencing the Intention to Use E-Wallet: An Extended Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 2117–2129.