International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Purchase Intention on Halal Food Products: Non-Muslim Consumers’ Perception

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This research examined the perceived behavioural control, attitude and subjective norms with the presence of moderator variables i.e., religiosity and social media that influence the non-Muslim consumers’ buying intention towards halal food products. The questionnaires were distributed to 310 non-Muslim consumers in Penang, Malaysia. Data was analysed using Partial Least Square approach. The research found that perceived behavioural control, attitude and subjective norms are positively related to buying intention of halal food products. Furthermore, religiosity is found to be significant in moderating the relationship between subjective norms towards halal food product buying intention. But religiosity is not a significant moderator in the relationship between attitude and perceived behavioural control towards purchase intention. Similarly, social media only moderates the relationship between subjective norms towards halal food product buying intention. The result of the findings is beneficial for researchers in understanding the buying intention of halal food products among the non-Muslim consumers. The outcome of the research could serve as an essential guidance to the halal food industry player.
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In-Text Citation: (Nordin & Yee, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Nordin, N., & Yee, H. A. T. S. (2021). Purchase Intention on Halal Food Products: Non-Muslim Consumers’ Perception. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 2068–2086.