International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Development, Validation and Reliability of Schizophrenia Stage Inventory (SSI)

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This study aimed to develop, validate the content and reliability of the Schizophrenia Stage Inventory (SSI). SSI is built based on the integration of the symptoms of Schizophrenia which have been described by the Ministry of Health Malaysia as mental disorders, perceptual disorders and behavioral disorders. Overall, SSI has 21 items divided into Sub Scale 1: Disturbing Thinking (7 items), Sub Scale 2: Perceptual Disorder (7 items), and Sub Scale 3: Behavior Disruption (7 items). The SSI was given to twelve expert’s panel which consists of six member of the academics and six lecturers of Guidance and Counseling Courses. The SSI has good content validity for overall of 8.76, while the validity of the content based on the Mindset Disorders sub-scale is 8.80, the Perception Disorders sub-scale is 8.70, and the Behavioral Disorders sub-scale is 8.80. This indicates that SSI has high content of validity. The reliability of SSI was tested randomly among 45 respondents consisting of social workers. The overall reliability analysis of the SSI was as high as .950, while for sub-scale analysis it showed good results for Mindset Disorders, Perception Disorders, and Behavioral Disorders subscale. Thus, the reliability and validity of SSI findings were good and could be helpful for institutions of higher learning, workplaces and schools in terms of to identify the level of schizophrenia in an individual.
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In-Text Citation: (Arip et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Arip, M. A. S. M., Bei, K. J., & Yeh, Y. M. (2021). Development, Validation and Reliability of Schizophrenia Stage Inventory (SSI). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 1446–1456.