International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Developing an Integrated Tourism Production Model with Digital Technologies (DT) for Small Medium Food Enterprise (SMFE) in Post-COVID-19 Era: A Conceptual Perspective

Open access

Wan Mohd Adzim Wan Mohd Zain, Muaz Azinuddin, Nur Shahirah Mior Shariffuddin, Ahmad Puad Mat Som

Pages 1359-1369 Received: 20 Sep, 2021 Revised: 22 Oct, 2021 Published Online: 23 Nov, 2021
This paper addresses the concept of Digital Technologies (DT) in retaining local food to achieve long-term tourism resilience. Particularly, this study focuses on food tourism production involving Small Medium Food Enterprise (SMFE) to generate post-COVID-19 economic activity, and how to increase hedonistic tourist experiences by proposing a model that integrates local food tourism production functions with DTs. The model represents a crucial mechanism from resources management to product outputs; connecting each stage with digital initiatives to aid endurance of SMFEs. Furthermore, this study intends to establish an innovative evolutionary stimulus for SMFEs in retaining regional tourism income and to configure robust and flexible foundations for future crisis management. DTs integration will allow SMFEs to implement both dynamic learning approaches and innovative capabilities. Another important aspect of this research is to interact and address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with focus to utilize technology in food tourism by fostering sustainable innovation, ensuring continuous production patterns and strengthening partnerships for sustainable tourism development.
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In-Text Citation: (Zain et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zain, W. M. A. W. M., Azinuddin, M., Shariffuddin, N. S. M., & Som, A. P. M. (2021). Developing an Integrated Tourism Production Model with Digital Technologies (DT) for Small Medium Food Enterprise (SMFE) in Post-COVID-19 Era: A Conceptual Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 1359– 1369.