The study is conducted to investigate the extent of risk attitude towards pandemic threat among millennials in Malaysia its the relationship that involves variables partially adopted from protection motivation theory (PMT) such as perceived severity and response efficacy towards risk attitude among millennials during our current global pandemic covid 19. The purpose of this research is to investigate the risk attitude among millennials as part of the crucial element in the adaptive risk attitude or behavior towards Covid 19. It is important to see the pattern of various behavioural element among millennials as it is not only associated with their opportunities, capacities, aspirations, energy and creativity as current and future human capital for Malaysia but also how they adapt themselves in order to deals with uncertain pandemic risks that happen in current times to enable the survival instinct to be ready at all cost. This study applies analysis technique using SmartPLS 3.4 version involved 197 respondent among millennials of various race in Malaysia. This study partially adopted Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) as main underlying framework to further explained the variables involved.
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In-Text Citation: (Razak et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Razak, N. A., Daud, W. N. W., Marmaya, N. H., Wee, N. M. M. F., Sadik, M. Z., & Harun, H. (2021). Risk Attitude towards Pandemic Threat - Covid 19 among Millennials in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 1332– 1338.
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