International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Women's Well-Being During Covid-19 Pandemic

Open access

Muslihah Hasbullah, Rumaya Juhari, Zainal Madon, Mariani Mansor, Rojanah Kahar, Mohd Najmi Daud, Nellie Ismail, Mohamad Naqiuddin Dahamat Azam

Pages 1305-1323 Received: 19 Sep, 2021 Revised: 20 Oct, 2021 Published Online: 21 Nov, 2021
The official declaration of the Movement Control Order (MCO) since March 2020 in Malaysia signifies a major step taken by the government to contain the COVID-19 pandemic effectively. This cordon sanitaire has devastating effects on all sectors and ordinary citizens, especially for women (United Nations, 2020). The socio-economic implications of MCO on women requires attention and proper handling. Using data from 841 women, the participants of Family and Community Empowerment Program (FACE), this study explores the extent of changes in the lives of women amid COVID-19. This study describes the socio-economic status (SES) and the well-being of respondents during the implementation of MCO. The Personal Wellbeing Index-Adult (PWI) is used to measure the well-being of these women. Results of the study highlight the immediate effect of MCO on the employment status and income of the respondents. Respondents reported lower mean scores on four domains, i.e. future security (M=7.21, SD=1.79); the standard of living (M=7.31, SD=1.88); achievement in life (M=7.36, SD=1.82); and community-connectedness (M=7.39, SD=1.85). The differences in PWI based on the SES of the respondents are also discussed. This study emphasises on the response and recovery efforts that are tailored to support women during this infectious-disease outbreak.
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In-Text Citation: (Hasbullah et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hasbullah, M., Juhari, R., Madon, Z., Mansor, M., Kahar, R., Daud, M. N., Ismail, N., & Azam, M. N. D. (2021). Women’s Well-Being During Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 1305–1323.