The increase in mental health issues over time has shown that various forms of treatment and interventions are needed to address them. Looking at this importance, this study was conducted aimed at building an application model of Islamic counseling and Adler Individual counseling as an intervention method to address mental health issues. A total of 232 verses of the Quran contained in 61 Surahs, and 36 literature reviews from within and outside the country were analyzed using thematic methods Atlas. ti application. The themes identified through this method of analysis have successfully formed two concepts of Islamic counseling, firstly namely the concept of knowledge and deeds and secondly the concept of faith and confidence, as well as the five concepts of Adler Individual counseling, namely social interests, past experiences, family clusters, feelings of inferiority and lifestyle. These identified concepts are then incorporated and applied into the construction of the intervention model. Apart from this concept, the findings of the study also show the role of counselors in terms of characteristics and skills demonstrated by counselors is also an element that determines the success of counseling sessions as well as helping clients increase resilience as one of the mechanisms to address mental health issues. This study has implications for all levels of society, especially counselors and researchers, as a reference and source of information for further research in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Wil & Othman, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Wil, N. C., & Othman, N. (2021). Application of Islamic Counselling and Adler Individual Counselling Model in Dealing with Mental Health Issues. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 1106 – 1115.
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