International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Cognitive Constructivism in the Classroom: The Case for Online Distance Learning

Open access

Faridah Najuna Misman, Azila Jaini, Juliana Mohd Abdul Kadir, Che Faridah Che Mahmood, Nor Rasimah Abdul Rashid, Muhammad Rajaei Dzulkifli

Pages 988-1006 Received: 07 Sep, 2021 Revised: 11 Oct, 2021 Published Online: 13 Nov, 2021
Online learning has been introduced for more than a decade. Many educational institutions embrace online learning to facilitate teaching and learning activities. The COVID-19 pandemic that hit countries around the globe has impacted the education landscape and created an urgency to transform conventional teaching and learning activities into online learning. Hence, this study aims to examine how online learning influences engagement between learners, instructors and content. To answer the objectives of the study, an online survey was administered to students in Malaysia who experience online learning during the pandemic. A total of 384 respondents participated in the survey. The respondents consist of university students from various universities in Malaysia. The findings indicate that social support plays a crucial role in online learning. Active interaction among learners, peers and instructors are also important. In addition, the flexibility of the instructors using different types of online learning platforms help learners to cope well in the transition process. These findings shed a light not only on instructors but also on the management as well as the policymaker in strategizing and enhancing mechanisms and action plans for the best online learning experience.
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In-Text Citation: (Misman et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Misman, F. N., Jaini, A., Kadir, J. M. A., Mahmood, C. F. C., Rashid, N. R. A., & Dzulkifli, M. R. (2021). Cognitive Constructivism in the Classroom: The Case for Online Distance Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 988– 1006.