International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Contextual Learning to Enhance Collaborative Skills in Teaching the Malay Language among Form 4 Students

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This research is implemented to identify the effectiveness of contextual learning to enhance the collaborative skills among Form 4 students in the Malay Language subjects. Collaborative is listed as one of five elements in 21st century learning which is important for students in learning the Malay Language. The teachers’ capability and teaching efficiency is seen to be vital in equipping students with high collaborative spirits but the teacher’s teaching strategy still appears to be conventional which is teacher-centred and focused on facts. This research is to identify the effectiveness of contextual learning towards the collaborative skills of Form 4 students in the Malay Language. This quasi-experiment research involves 80 students from two secondary schools in Manjung, Perak, Malaysia. Data is collected using the instrument of Students’ Collaborative Skills Questionaire. This is a quantitative research and its data is analyzed in descriptive and inferensi using Independent-Samples t-test. The research covers four teaching and learning sessions with Daily Lesson Plans built based on the themes in the Form 4 KSSM Malay Language textbook. Research findings show that collaborative skills among the students have successfully been increased with the mean 4.0. (s.d. .751) which indicates that contextual learning has succeeded in increasing the collaborative skills of Form 4 students in learning the Malay Language subjects.
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In-Text Citation: (Salleh, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Salleh, R. N. (2021). Contextual Learning to Enhance Collaborative Skills in Teaching the Malay Language among Form 4 Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 932 – 942.