Active learning through student-centered activity has a significant impact on learning as well as the mastery of the students. The implementation of student-centered activity blended with elements of active learning is among the foundation that forms the 21st century education. However, its implementation is often underestimated due to constraints faced by teachers. This article discusses the elements of active learning within student-centered activity implemented by Islamic Education teachers in primary schools applying the concept of 21st century learning in the process of teaching and learning. This study adopted the qualitative method conducted on seven teachers of Islamic Education primary school in the state of Melaka. In-depth interviews, observations and document analysis were performed for this study and the data were analyzed using NVivo 12.0. The finding indicated that there are six elements of active learning in the activities of student-centered learning that was implemented by the Islamic Education primary school teachers in the state of Melaka. All of the elements involved had demonstrated a pattern, in which all students are involved in the activities, all students perform their own activities, students learn from the activities, varied activities according to the level of students, several sets of activities in a single teaching session and edutainment activities. This study generally suggests a method that could serve as a guideline for teachers to carry out active learning through the student-centered activity in order to realize the concept of 21st century learning in the teaching and learning process.
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In-Text Citation: (Nahar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Nahar, N., Safar, J., Hehsan, A., Jima’ain@Ajmain, M. T., Junaidi, J., Haron, Z., & Hussin, M. F. A. (2021). Active Learning Through Student-Centered Activity in the Instruction of Islamic Education Teachers as An Implementation of The 21st Century Learning: A Case Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 898–911.
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