As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, educators worldwide have shifted to online instruction. Open and distance learning (ODL) enables lecturers and students to continue learning sessions from the comfort of their own homes with minimal risk of infection. Online collaborative learning (OCL) is gaining popularity in higher education institutions in this regard. However, lecturers must understand how students collaborate with their peers, communicate with their instructors, and engage in collaborative learning projects for online learning to be successful. As a result, it is necessary to better understand student knowledge construction through discourse in group work by examining online group participation. This quantitative study analysed responses to a 36-item questionnaire from 246 respondents enrolled in Malaysian higher education institutions. The findings revealed how idea generating, idea organising, and intellectual convergence in OCL were portrayed in online group engagement. Implications of the study include evidence and information on knowledge construction in the practice of OCL in ODL during Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO). Future research in the practice of OCL is also discussed in this study.
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In-Text Citation: (Taib et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Taib, S. A., Iliyas, S. M. M., Noorezam, M., Sa’adan, N., Saleh, N. S., & Jenal, N. (2021). Exploring Phases of Knowledge through Group Work and Online Engagement. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 829– 847.
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