Consumer buying behavior has changed prior to the new environments that lead by pandemic of Covid-19. Many studies have been conducted to examine the changes of consumer buying behavior on the usage of technology as a tool to support online business amid this pandemic. However, there are little studies directed on examining the changes of consumer patterns in online business after the end of Restriction of Movement Order (RMO) in Malaysia. Hence, this study intends to describe the trends of consumer behavior in Malaysia conducting business purchase via online platform pre and post restriction movement order in Malaysia. In order to track these changes, 187 responses were gathered by using online survey and targeted to the different demographic profile of respondents. Given the post RMO, most of the respondents intend to use online platform to buy certain products due to its convenience, time saving, accessibility and safety concern with the aim to minimize risk of spreading the virus. The categories of products consumer purchased via online also identified in this study and the finding reveals certain categories of products having continuously increasing even before, during and 12 months after RMO.
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In-Text Citation: (Jamian et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Jamian, N. F., Bahtar, A. Z., Nazari, Z. A., Mahmud, N., Karim, R. A., & Monoarfa, H. (2021). Online Consumers Buyer Behavior - Post Covid-19. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 799– 809.
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