Antibiotic has long been used in animal production to treat disease, preventing and controlling common disease occurrence, and enhance animal growth rate. Despite the positive impact of antibiotics on animal production through the years, uncontrolled utilization of this compound demonstrates an increase in the occurrence of resistant bacteria known as ‘superbug’ which eventually can cause serious illness if passed to humans. Amongst the criteria for feed utilized for halal animal production include free from prohibited antibiotics and other chemicals, besides also be free from porcine and filthy sources, synthetic hormones, and contain a safe level of biological, chemical, and physical contaminants. This article seeks to identify and analyze issues related to antibiotic utilization and the Islamic position on its utilization in halal animal production specifically in feed and feeding practices. Complete understanding of the current issues pertaining to antibiotics utilization in Malaysia and Shariah perspective on this issue could increase awareness among Malaysian, especially Muslim on the best practices for animal feeding and farming. The study utilizes a qualitative approach using library research, in which data from relevant literatures and research had been collected and analysed. The findings of the study demonstrated that there are significant research and reports of antibiotic resistance bacteria detected in food and animals in Malaysia. Besides, it is found that from the Islamic perspective, excessive utilization of antibiotics in animal production, especially as a growth promoter, is indeed not according to the principle of Maqasid al-Shariah which aims to protects human life and lineage and reject any introduction of mafsadah (harmfulness) against human. Hence, further research is needed to propose ways in dealing with antibiotic resistance issues at the national level to prevent and control the spread of antibiotic resistance in the country.
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In-Text Citation: (Saidin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Saidin, N., Ruzulan, Z., Yaakob, M. A. Z., & Rahman, F. A. (2021). Antibiotic Utilization in Halal Animal Production: Shariah Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 730– 737.
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