Internal marketing has been emphasized by marketing scholars as it brings success in achieving the goals and sustainability of organizations. However, internal marketing seems to be ignored in certain ways in services organizations. The ignorance of the internal marketing practices leads to many internal problems and affect performance of the overall organization. This paper attempts to investigate the reasons to prioritize internal marketing in services organizations, particularly Islamic service organization. The instrument used to collect data is document research and analyzed using qualitative data analysis. The findings show that internal marketing could promote the organization’s mission, vision, objectives, culture, services, and brand to its own employees, by treating the employee as important as the external customer. Employee will become the organization ambassador by practicing three Islamic values such as Ibadah, Ihsan, and Amanah to promote the services provided to the customer.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusoff, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yusoff, M. (2021). Prioritizing Internal Marketing in Islamic Services Organization. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 509– 515.
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