Recovery of opiate addiction is lifelong, involving physical, psychological and spiritual aspects. Physical rehabilitation is closely linked to clinical treatment while psychological and spiritual require external support such as family support. Family involvement in assisting rehabilitation is always an issue when not many families have the specific expertise to assist in rehabilitation, especially for addicts undergoing rehabilitation outside the institution. The objective of this module is to discuss the construction of the i-Kasih module as a support to the families of opiate addicts and evaluate the effectiveness of the i-Kasih module on family social support. The methodology used is a quantitative method, data was collected through a questionnaire on 35 participants in Kuala Terengganu who successfully followed the i-Kasih module fully. This module is spiritually based and is divided into six module units. All units of this module have different focuses such as the concept of a prosperous family according to Islam, forms of social support, psychology of da'wah and clinical and Islamic treatment approaches. The i-Kasih module, which is built on the experiences and needs of the families of addicts, is able to help increase social support for the families of opiates. Therefore, this module has the potential to be implemented to families with similar problems so that families are able to increase support throughout the recovery of opiate addicts.
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In-Text Citation: (Ghazalli et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ghazalli, F. S. M., Ghani, N. A., Chik, W. M. Y. W., Ali, A. W. M., Abdullah, B., Mohd, Z., & Zabudin, A. A. M. (2021). Effectiveness of i-Kasih Module as Support to the Families of Opiat Addicts in Rehabilitation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 493–502.
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