Malaysia is among the countries with the most citizens inflicted by covid-19 outbreak in Southeast Asia in early phase of year 2020, however persistent efforts performed by Authorities in Malaysia especially Ministry of Health has succeeded in constraining this disease among its people. Nevertheless, preventive measures done by Authorities in Malaysia raised several questions among the people particularly if viewed from fiqh al-ma’al perspective. This article aims to explain on the preventive efforts for covid-19 outbreak taken by Authorities in Malaysia viewed from fiqh al-ma’al perspective. Methodology of this article was based on qualitative study. Data were collected from document analysis by referring to books particularly related to fiqh Islami, kaedah-kaedah fiqh, usul fiqh, fiqh al-ma’al, contemporary fiqh books, current fatwas, journal articles and authorised websites. Data collected were abalysed and elaborated through inductive, deductive and comparative methods to gain for appropriate results in alignment with determined research objectives. This study found that preventive efforts for covid-19 outbreak executed by Authorities in Malaysia do comply with fiqh al-ma’al and those efforts are on the right track according to the fiqh. It clearly invites great maslahah (benefits) to the people. On account of that, it is hoped that Malaysian citizens not need to worry with the preventive efforts instead they should keep on supporting the sincere efforts until chain of covid-19 outbreak spread can ultimately be broken.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, B. bin. (2021). Prevention of Covid-19 Outbreak by Authorities in Malaysia Viewed from Fiqh Al-Ma’al Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 467– 479.
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