What is the challenges in human intelligence development? Inadequate comprehensive theories or the advanced in artificial intelligence? Both have been identified as new challenge in human intelligence development. This paper aims to highlight the challenges in human intelligence development and suggest the way forward. To achieve this goal, existing theories in human intelligence reviewed and the advancement of artificial intelligence studied based on secondary data derived from article journals. The data being analyzed using content analysis. The outcome presented as explanatory to the data gathered at the beginning of this paper and interpretative in nature in the context of human intelligence development result and discussion. The future research in human intelligence development is the way forward being suggested in this paper.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahman & Ibrahim, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, S. N. M. A., & Ibrahim, A. (2021). Human Intelligence Development: Challenges and Way Forward. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 448– 455.
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