The discussion of social justice is inevitable, and has been widely debated and discussed since the advent of the Second World War. The many aspects of social justice often discussed include equity, fairness, injustice, rationality, altruism, et cetera. However, the social justice framework, especially within a multi-ethnic context, requires further elaboration and explanation via the Maqasid Syariah perspective, in order to build a solid foundation of racial unity in line with the principles of the Malaysian Constitution. Therefore, this paper, using content analysis technique of existing literature, forges a direction for social justice within the multi-ethnic context in Malaysia, examined through the lens of Maqasid Syariah. In addition, this paper also looks into the role of the media in promoting Malaysian social justice. As the media is strongly influential in educating and disseminating messages to the mass public, it is important to enhance the role of the media in promoting a more accurate depiction of social justice to the society. Thus, this is an important discussion worth having, not least to ensure social justice in Malaysia is developed within the context of Malaysian society, especially with Islam as the religion of the Federation of Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Tohar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Tohar, S. N. A. M., Zahalan, N. M. H., & Hassan, F. (2021). Social Justice in Malaysian Racial Society through Maqasid Syariah Framework: From the Media Paradigm. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 340– 348.
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