International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Self-Leadership in the US

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This study investigates the relationship between socio-economic factors and self-leadership development among individuals in the United States. Despite extensive research on self-leadership and socio-economic factors separately, there is a notable gap in literature combining these topics. This research addresses this gap by examining the impact of education, parental influences, and wealth on self-leadership. Using a mixed-methods design, the study integrates qualitative and quantitative data from a survey of 303 participants from diverse socio-economic backgrounds in the US. Key findings indicate a positive correlation between higher educational attainment and enhanced self-leadership skills. Participants with a bachelor’s degree or higher exhibited significantly stronger self-leadership traits compared to those with lower educational levels. Parental education and profession significantly influenced the educational and professional paths of their children, highlighting the critical role of parental support. Financial wealth also contributed to greater confidence in self-leadership abilities. The study proposes recommendations to bridge socio-economic disparities, including educational and mentorship programs, parental engagement initiatives, and leadership development programs.
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