International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Consumer Acceptance towards Self-Service Ticketing Kiosk in Malaysian Cinema

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Consumers are growing more sophisticated in their experiences with self-service technologies (SSTs) including self-service ticketing kiosk (SSTK). However, some consumers resist emerging technologies while others feel disappointed in interacting with such systems. Therefore, this study aims to examine the factor influencing consumer acceptance of self-service ticketing kiosks in Malaysian cinema. The primary data were collected by distributing online questionnaires to 384 respondents using the non-probability sampling method. Data were analysed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 26.0. The result showed a significant relationship between technology's effectiveness, flexibility, complexity, enjoyment, safety consciousness, and consumer acceptance of self-service ticketing kiosks in Malaysian cinema. The technology's flexibility has the most significant impact on consumer's acceptance. This paper highlighted consumer perception of self-service ticketing kiosks in Malaysian cinema on their experience, future innovation expectations, and a pleasant and efficient lifestyle. This study provides a fundamental link between self-services ticketing kiosks and consumer acceptance by using a technology acceptance model (TAM) to explain the consumer experience with SSKs in Malaysian cinema. Moreover, this extends the TAM model and remedies previous self-service literature that lacked a theoretical foundation in self-service ticketing kiosks and consumer acceptance studies. Therefore, this research is essential and helpful for the company to implement the SSKs.
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