Both developing and developed markets are exceedingly improving dynamically from different aspects. The most relevant and surviving market-players among others include those heavily investing on employees’ emotional intelligence and talent management toward organizational goals. Jordanian bank industries have strategically become competitive in recent times as every bank searches for a new pathway to broaden its market share and marginalize its profits. Hence, the current study attempts to explore how emotional intelligence and talent management could widen the profits of banks in Jordan. On that note, the research aims to measure the impact of organizational commitment on the relationship between emotional intelligence and talent management practices using visionary leadership yardstick. Field data and information were collected using the survey method through a sample of 35 visionary leaders at different organizations. The researcher found that there were significant correlations between emotional intelligence, talent management, organizational commitment and job performance, as well as a significant and positive impact between emotional intelligence and talent management on organizational commitment. The results also showed that there was a positive impact of the organizational commitment variable as an intervening variable on the relationship between emotional intelligence and talent management. The researcher recommends spreading the culture of the necessity for the researched institutions to make efforts to control emotional intelligence, manage talents and establish the concept of organizational commitment to improve the level of job performance at different organizations.
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