Numerous studies on environmentally conscious behaviour have looked at age as primary concern. According to some studies, younger generations are more environmentally conscious. The most frequently used argument is that those who grew up during the social movements over environmental consciousness are more likely to be sympathetic to the issues. Understanding how young people make green product purchasing decisions has a significant impact on green marketing strategies. A better understanding of what motivates these young consumers to buy green products may also help reduce the impact of irresponsible consumption in the future. Their consumption patterns are distinct from "traditional" consumption. Their typical consumption pattern has been characterized by open-mindedness, hedonism, and visibility. To a certain extent, their consumption habits reflect a form of self-expression, personal identity formation, creativity, or even art. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine whether key factors such as environmental consciousness, environmental attitude, eco labelling, and green advertising influenced young Malaysians' green purchase behaviour. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed, which garnered 431 responses across the country. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to evaluate the associated route coefficients between the different variables, and structural equation modelling was used for hypothesis testing. Overall, the results showed that green advertising was the most important predictor of green purchase behaviour among younger generations. The study's findings will assist green marketers in improving their strategies of promoting green products to younger generations.
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In-Text Citation: (Yahya et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yahya, W. K., Husin, N., Rahim, N. A., Masdek, N. R. N. M., & Daud, S. R. (2021). Assessing Motivations towards Green Product Purchase Behaviour among Young Malaysian: Empirical Evidence. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 190– 204.
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