International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Accuracy of Isymam and Tashil Recitation Methods for The Word ??????????? Based on Talaqqi and Musyafahah

Open access
Talaqqi and musyafahah is the Quran recitation method inherited by the Prophet SAW from Gabriel AS and subsequently implemented towards the companions. The companions continued this pedagogy until it is inherited as a learning system of the Quran until today. The development of various new methods in teaching the Quran has raised the question of how far it meets the talaqqi musyafahah method taught by the Prophet saw. This study aimed to explain the concept and implementation of talaqqi and musyafahah in learning the Quran. It also aimed to study the implementation of the roum and isymam methods for the word ???????????. The design of this study used qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach used survey method while the quantitative approach used the purposive sampling method. For that purpose, 35 respondents who were the students of the Tamayyuz Programme of SMA Marang, Terengganu, were selected based on several relevant criteria. The qualitative data collection method used document analysis and interview methods, while the quantitative data collection method used questionnaires instrument and performance tests. The compiled data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 23.0). Results: Talaqqi and musyafahah is major requisite in studying the Quran, especially the recitation involving the methods of isymam and roum. As for the students’ mastery of Imam Hafs specific recitation, the results show that the mastery of the isymam recitation method is better than that of roum. Conclusion: This study describes the importance of the implementation of talaqqi and musyafahah in teaching the Quran. It can be a guide for learning the Quran, especially in schools so that the modern methods meet the basic method of talaqqi and musyafahah to ensure the recitation of the Quran is accurately implemented.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusof et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yusof, N. H., Wahab, A. A., Omar, N., & Hamzah, M. S. Bin. (2021). Accuracy of Isymam and Tashil Recitation Methods for The Word ??????????? Based on Talaqqi and Musyafahah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 2532–2537.