International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Supply Chain Resilience: A Review and Research Direction

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Supply Chain Resilience (SCRES) has gradually concerned as an important strategy which recovers from supply chain disruptions (SCDs) in this globalization era. SCRES has gained popularity by academia and practitioners in recent years. This paper aims at identifying the potential research trends in the emerging area and to provide a future research platform for researchers and practitioners in supply chain (SC) industries through conducting a review of empirical study on SCRES. As such, a detailed literature review is conducted, classified and synthesized with the objective to propose the future study direction for SCRES. The review also investigates the research development of SCRES in developing and developed countries, with a focus on case studies related to supply chain risk management and operation management within manufacturing industries. Finding from the empirical research review suggests that there is limited studies done on exploring the adoption and implementation of SCRES strategies especially in developing countries, such as China. Therefore, this paper contributes to the literature of SCRES by outlining the SCRES adoption and implementation strategy, with the focus on China’s manufacturing industries.
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In-Text Citation: (Ming et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ming, L. Y., Omain, S. Z. B., & Kowang, T. O. (2021). Supply Chain Resilience: A Review and Research Direction. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 2431–2442.