The swiftlet industry is listed under 12 Entry Point Projects (EPP) under the Agriculture NKEA which is one of the cores of Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) as it can generate income for the nation. Although swiftlet ranching business or activities is a minor player compared to other establish business, it significant in their own way. They have contributed to exports and created a fair amount of employment. However, the pandemic Covid-19 outbreak has taken a toll on many sectors and industry players, inducing rising concerns nationwide over the country’s economic outlook. The Movement Control Order (MCO), which is enforced until year 2021, will also dampen domestic economic activity. The primary objective of this study is to use the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model to determine the influence of Covid-19 on EBN export in Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the influence of newly confirmed and fatal COVID-19 cases on EBN export in Malaysia. Granger causality analysis indicates a unidirectional causal relationship between EBN export (EBN) and coronavirus new cases (CNNCC) and coronavirus fatal cases (CNFC). According to the VAR data, confirmed coronavirus cases have a negative and significant effect on EBN export in Malaysia. This indicates that information on coronavirus positive cases is inversely correlated with EBN export. However, coronavirus fatal cases have a beneficial influence on EBN export, but the effect is statistically insignificant.
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In-Text Citation: (Ya’acob et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ya’acob, F. F., Isamail, M. Z., Ramli, M. F., Majid, M., Mokhtar, N. A., Badyalina, B., Shaari, & Fatihah, N. (2021). The Impact of Covid-19 on Malaysian Edible Birdnest (EBN) Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 2420–2430.
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