Social media influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving product placement and endorsements from influencers. Influencers successfully shape consumers’ perceptions towards products or services by posting videos, content, or pictures on their social media channels. However. We proposed this study to investigate the impact of social media influencers’ personality, content, and trustworthiness on consumers’ purchase intention and eWOM towards different brands in Saudi Arabia. We applied a quantitative research method to carry this study. Therefore, an online questionnaire was developed to gather data from 510 respondents using non-probability. To obtain the study objectives, we analyzed the primary data using structural equation modeling via SmartPLS software. The results reveal that social media influencers’ personality, content, and trustworthiness significantly impact consumers’ purchase intention and eWOM. This study results help brands, advertisers, and marketers to understand how social media influencers’ marketing techniques can influence consumers’ purchase intention and eWOM towards different brands. Thus, it will also support them to know the key factors that could significantly explain consumers' intention and eWOM towards social media influencers. Further, this study purpose of investigating the influence of social media influencers on the consumers’ purchase intention in different sectors and context.
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In-Text Citation: (Aggad & Ahmad, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Aggad, K. K., & Ahmad, F. S. (2021). Investigates the Impact of Social Media Influencers’ Personality, Content, and Trustworthiness on Consumers’ Purchase Intention and eWOM. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 2248–2263.
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