International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Teachers’ Involvement in Enhancing the Sports Potential of Students with Hearing Disabilities in Schools

Open access
Studies linked to teacher emotional intelligence have attained reputation among researchers since Mayer and Salovey proposed the concept in the 90s. Theories and models of emotional intelligence have been established as a survey study based on Western and modern theories of emotional intelligence and even adapted by Islamic researchers in satisfying the needs of growing the emotional intelligence of Muslims. Islam offers a spiritual approach in handling human emotional intelligence through the commands and prohibitions of Allah, including the mediation of the methods of storytelling and narration instituted in the Qur’an. The aspect of emotional intelligence submitted by Western psychologists has also been expressed in the Qur’an since the beginning of human creation with the term akhlaq al-karimah. Hence, this research intended to analyse the elements of emotional intelligence found in Surah Yusuf from akhlaq (morality) point of view to be adopted as a guide for the construction of emotional intelligence of Muslim teachers. Following the application of qualitative methods, data collection was done through content analysis and literature review. The data of the study concluded that the five elements of emotional intelligence based on morality in Surah Yusuf, specifically avoiding jealousy, practising patience, staying calm in the face of criticism, being compassionate and offering forgiveness, and praying for goodness, should be nurtured among Muslim teachers to boost their emotional intelligence. This study could guide various parties that administer training programs to encourage and fathom emotional intelligence, mainly Muslim teachers.
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In-Text Citation: (Yasin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yasin, M. H. M., Tahar, M. M., Mohamad, S., & Azirun, N. A. N. R. dan R. (2021). Teachers’ Involvement in Enhancing the Sports Potential of Students with Hearing Disabilities in Schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 2221–2235.