International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Utilizing Mobile Learning in Writing Skills in ESL Classroom

Open access
This paper portrayed a systematic review of relevant published studies on how mobile learning tools can help ESL primary school learners to enhance the interaction among their peers or teachers. It discussed the impact of utilising the mobile learning in writing skills of ESL school learners. The use of mobile learning tools brings so much impact on the good and bad sides for all people who are involved. Apart from that, since pandemic of COVID-19 been aroused around the world, it is definitely need to change the method of conversational method to advanced method on teaching and learning of English in writing skill which indeed to involved mobile learning as one of the modern platform which is easy and free to utilise it. This systematic review of literature (SLR) is focusing on the effectiveness of utilising mobile learning in writing skill among English second language learners and perspective of the learners on the mobile learning utilisation in English writing language learning. There were 21 articles pertaining to the utilising mobile learning in writing skill among ESL learners which were screened from the ERIC and ScienceDirect databases by using the review methodology of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The results derived from the articles throughout the year 2021 demonstrated that the most used research design to accumulate the effectiveness of mobile learning and learners’ perspective on its utilisation in writing skill among ESL learners. In general, the findings illustrated factors influencing the effectiveness of mobile learning, presented its benefits and showed positive impact on the English language learners’ academic performance with the support of appropriate teaching approaches, meaningful learning and effective learning environments and due to that reason, ESL learners showed positive perspectives towards mobile learning. The result of the findings suggests future study to investigate the perspectives of parents on the effectiveness of mobile learning in English language writing among ESL learners and address relevant issues on the challenges in implementing mobile learning such as network connectivity and availability of mobile devices and its usability.
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In-Text Citation: (Kamal & Aziz, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Kamal, S. S. B. M., & Aziz, A. A. (2021). Utilizing Mobile Learning in Writing Skills in ESL Classroom. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 2087–2100.