International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Mediating Role of Organizational Culture in The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Practices

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This study intends to highlight the important of Organizational Culture as a bridge between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Practices among lecturers in Matriculation College. This study applied simple random sampling from the list of lecturers. The selected respondents were given a self-administered questionnaire for data collection. The study employed the second-generation method of multivariate analysis known as Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in IBM-SPSS-AMOS 24.0. The results were reconfirmed through bootstrapping procedure. The analysis showed that Organizational Culture fully mediates the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Practices. The results highlighted the importance of organizational culture in generating lecturers’ leadership practices. At present, the study on the mediating role of organizational culture in the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership practices is limited especially in the Matriculation College. This study adds a remarkable contribution to the literature especially in Malaysia context.
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In-Text Citation: (Wei et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Wei, K. K., Noor, M. A. bin M., Mansor, M. binti, & Awang, Z. (2021). Mediating Role of Organizational Culture in The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Practices. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 2072–2086.