International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Conservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Dyeing Skills: Challenges and Strategy in Kofar Mata Dyeing Pits Industry, Kano, Nigeria

Open access

Abubakar Sadiq Young, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah, Mohd Roslan Rosnon, Sarjit Singh Darshan Singh

Pages 2056-2071 Received: 05 Oct, 2021 Revised: 09 Nov, 2021 Published Online: 26 Dec, 2021
Dyeing an intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) embodied in traditional crafts is an integral part of the Nigerian people since the pre-colonial period. This practice continued into the post-colonial era, which had since evolved beyond the socio-cultural aspects to include the economic aspects. In recent years, however, there is increasing decline in the practice of this art in most parts of the country. Though practices in the dyeing industry have been widely recognized, literature regarding conservation of this important traditional skill remains scarce. This paper intends to explore and identify challenges faced by craft workers in the dyeing industry with focus on of the renowned Kofar Mata Dye Pits in Kano, Nigeria. Empirical data was collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussion from diverse participants that included ICH dyers, government authorities, community leaders, marketers and consumers. Our study identified a number of issues threatening the preservation of this important cultural heritage. Strategies to promote and preserve this intangible cultural heritage to ensure its sustainability were also shared.
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In-Text Citation: (Young et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Young, A. S., Samah, A. A., Rosnon, M. R., & Singh, S. S. D. (2021). Conservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Dyeing Skills: Challenges and Strategy in Kofar Mata Dyeing Pits Industry, Kano, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 2056–2071.