A good writing has a reciprocal relationship with the researcher’s discipline in accomplishing a research, analysing, elaborating, and presenting a prestigious publication coupled with a crystal-clear motive in producing an article journal. Discussing on the underlying principles in writing ethics, a researcher or an author observes a strict rule of academic integrity as well as research ethics in the era of information with divergent technology advances. Principles of academic integrity such as honesty, trust, transparency, and sincerity are the backbone in research writing. With regard to research ethics, etiquette such as permission to conduct research, confidentiality of data and compliance with the rules that have been given and agreed to seems to fulfil the moral values and Islamic values. The discussion of this article took an in-depth study with regard to the principles upheld by a researcher and author through library research including cases that have been decided in Malaysian court. The findings indicated that the components outlined in the principles of academic integrity and research ethics are appropriate in fulfilling the philosophy of Islamic values in producing a high-quality publication that gave rise to an intellectual property right on impactful published ideas.
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In-Text Citation: (Azzis & Mahmud, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Azzis, N. M. A., & Mahmud, R. (2021). Academic Integrity Issues in Decided Cases in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1859–1865.
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