International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Adaptation and Simulation of Fiqh Method in Academic Writing of Islamic Studies

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Research in the discipline of Islamic studies is usually in the form of qualitative such as to research the hukm for fiqh contemporary issues that require an instrument of hukm issuer in the form of nassi or ijtihad. fiqh method is one of the instruments of hukm issuer in the form of ijtihad. Islamic studies research can also be in the form of quantitative in the event of such studies require statistical analysis to verify the relevance of the law enforcement that is flexible in nature (al-Murunah). For this purpose, researchers should analyze the fiqh method, because it is of a general nature (Kulliyyah or Aghlabiyyah) on the execution of a law or practice to confirm its current relevance. As a scholarly research trainee, graduate students in the Islamic studies discipline need to learn the technique of adapting fiqh method on issues concerning the research. Therefore, this article aims to expose to the trainees of scholarly research in the Islamic Studies discipline the concept of Fiqh methods, the position of Fiqh method in Usul al-Syar?ah, source of fiqh methods in al-Quran and al-Sunnah, benefits in learning Fiqh method, the argumentation of fiqh method as an instrument of hukm issuer and the categorization of Fiqh methods and its relation to the Maqasid al-Syaricah concept (Jalb Al-Maslahah wa Daf’u Al-Madarrah) and earlier works of Fiqh method. In addition, this article also discusses the need of scholarly research trainee in the Islamic Studies discipline to master the technique of adapting fiqh method on issues concerning the research either in the form of inductive or deductive or both depending on the objectives of the research being carried out. This article entirely uses the qualitative method whereby the data were collected through document analysis from classic and modern scriptures related to fiqh method. The outcome of this article will be of an advantage for Islamic studies researchers in producing quality research concerning current issues and to achieve hypothesis by simulating discussions through adaptation of fiqh methods that correlate with the title of the research.
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In-Text itation: (Desa, 2021)
To ite this Artile: Desa, R. binti. (2021). Adaptation and Simulation of Fiqh Method in Academic Writing of Islamic Studies. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1847–1858.