International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring Prison Rehabilitation Programs and the Factors That Contributed to Former Prisoners' Career Success

Open access
This study aims to explore the rehabilitation program of prisoners in Prisons and the causes that cause ex-prisoners to be stuck with the phenomenon of homelessness after their release from prison. This study was conducted based on two main research questions, namely: (1) Whether the vocational training program implemented is the main thrust in the approach to treating and rehabilitating prisoners in prisons; (2) What are the factors that contribute towards successful ex-prisoners in their careers. This study was conducted with a qualitative approach in which the data of this study were obtained through in-depth individual interviews from two different individuals and document analysis. The findings of this study show that the rehabilitation program of prisoners in this country is implemented in an orderly and systematic manner under a grand design known as the Human Development Plan (PPI). The PPI conducted in four phases emphasizes the development and strengthening of personality. In the third phase of this program, prisoners are given vocational skills and knowledge in preparation for a career after release. The vocational knowledge and skills imparted are accredited and certified with similar programs conducted outside the prison walls. However, somewhat sadly, after these prisoners were released, they were caught up in the phenomenon of homelessness. Questions about the causes of their involvement can be found in this study. Not only that, but this study also seeks to recommend appropriate actions to prevent the occurrence of similar issues in the future. This study would like to suggest that more in-depth studies related to the formulation of more structured and comprehensive pre-release programs can be made, so that released prisoners are better prepared to face life after release from prison.
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In-Text Citation: (Rosli et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rosli, M. R. B. M., Anuar, M. A. M., & Hamzah, S. R. (2021). Exploring Prison Rehabilitation Programs and the Factors That Contributed to Former Prisoners’ Career Success. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1619–1640.