Scientific i’jaz (in context: defined as inimitability of Quran and refers to the belief that none has been successful to imitate the Quran due to the miracle of the contents and form) in quranic qira’at is one of the many forms of i’jaz of the Quran, which has its own attractiveness and beauty. The various form of i’jaz are existed in few aspects, which were in the linguistic, the unseen things and scientific explanation. This paper discussed about the approach of i’jaz that was found in qira’at to develop the Quranic generation. The exposure and explanation of scientific i’jaz in the methods of Quranic recitation is necessary to generate numerous benefits. Among the benefits was explanation regarding the interpretation were more accurate and show the miracles of the Quran. The data were collected through literature reviews and documents analysis according to the discussion topic. Different views from various scholars were also added in the discussion section. The finding showed that scientific i’jaz in qira’at can help mould an excellent and eminent Quranic generation. It is recommended for further research to studies about the implementation of scientific i’jaz in the huffaz syllabus as one of the approach to develop Quranic generation with integrated-knowledge.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mohamad, S., Saad, M. F. M., & Ishak, H. (2021). Scientific I’jaz in Qira’at. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1588–1602.
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