International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring Situated Learning through Task based Activities: A Case Study in the Mandarin Class

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This is a pilot study that exposes non-native Mandarin speakers to native speakers directly in the Malaysian Chinese community. It aims to examine the application of situated learning theory via task-based activities in authentic situation. 30 students participated in this qualitative case study. They were purposely chosen from 5 classes of students in a public university who attended a Mandarin class for a semester. Data is collected from the learners’ conversations. The conversation is recorded in the form of transcripts to be analysed qualitatively. Codes were used indicate the type of factors evident in the conversation. The study is rooted from the theory of situated learning by Lave & Wenger (1991). The theory reveals that learning involves social interaction in a real and authentic context to allow learners to create their own knowledge using the constructivist approach. The three factors in Lave & Wenger’s (1991) theory are used to scaffold the items in task-based learning by Ellis (2009). The study findings firstly prove that authenticity is achieved in task-based approach using natural language. Next, social interaction is fulfilled when the activities are focused on learner-centredness through communicative tasks. Finally, learners build their knowledge through constructivism by rejecting traditional teaching and focusing on the form in the conversations. The research findings can help Mandarin instructors to modify their teaching methods, create appropriate tasks and improve the Mandarin textbook.
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In-Text Citation: (Sim et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Sim, M. S., Rahmat, N. H., & Khin, L. S. (2021). Exploring Situated Learning through Task based Activities: A Case Study in the Mandarin Class. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1567–1587.