In recent times, the emergence of knowledge and its application is fundamental to success and failure, for individuals, societies, business and corporate governance. Therefore, there is the neeed to tap up knowledge, disseminate and use for gaining a competitive advantage, despite the existing difficulties. Hence, having a pre-requisite knowledge on staff recruitment quality, employee’s behavior to change management, inadvertent tacit knowledge, and knowledge update programs and their application will help determine the success of KM implementation in companies. In the process of KM implementation, some of the constraining factors are more general and have consequences on the knowledge management implementation process. However, enhancing and sustaining a competitive advantage and developing further innovative business strategies through the knowledge management implementation process is a means to grow companies, and achieve economic prosperity. This study examines the barriers to knowledge management implementation (KMI) and how they impact the implementation process in ten (10) companies in Ghana. The investigation was conducted using a survey design, which used valid sample adequacy of 295 respondents. Multiple linear regression model and ANOVA tests were applied. Our findings discovered a linked and aggregated impacts on the in dependent variable. The study revealed that staff recruitment quality and knowledge update programs have direct and positive effect on the KM implementation process (see figure 1). However, individual’s inadvertent tacit knowledge and individual’s resistance to change management were not statistically significant on the knowledge implementation process (see figure 1). Hence, companies must see staff recruitment quality, resistance to change management, inadvertent tacit knowledge, and knowledge update programs as variables with either positive or negative impact on KM implementation in businesses. Findings add to existing information in the fields of business and industrial management. We conclude that resistance to change management and tacit knowledge of individual employees are hindrance to knowledge management implementation process which will consequently affect business growth. Therefore, we advance knowledge for business and industrial management for policy consideration.
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In-Text Citation: (Clement et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Clement, M., Huaicheo, C., Aloo Felicia, A. S. P., Isaac, S. H., Kwame, O. E., & Juliana, N. O. (2021). The New Experiential Impacts Linked to the Application of Knowledge Management in Businesses. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1459–1475.
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