Following the Prophetic guidance to prevent diseases and outbreaks is the best approach to mitigate the crises that may befall someone and maintain his health. Health is of great significance in one’s life. It is a religious duty because it is necessary for the performance of one’s religious duties in the required manner. This is the research problem. The performance of prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, seeking knowledge, and earning obligatory income requires a healthy body and mind. Similarly, all forms of work, such as trade, manufacturing, and others, require a healthy and sound body. Therefore, the Apostle (pbuh) included health as a legal requirement that must be maintained by Muslims. This study aims to explain the Prophetic guidance on how to prevent the body from falling ill through Prophetic teachings that relate to health. This study employed the inductive approach to gain comprehensive understanding on the topic. It also employed the analytical approach to obtain results relevant to the research topic. Among the results of the study is to declare and confirm that the new Coronavirus pandemic can only be mitigated by following the guidance of the Prophet (pbuh). Therefore, it is necessary to spread awareness about the guidance of the Prophet (pbuh) on how to prevent diseases and outbreaks by reminding of the importance of purity, cleanliness, and environmental preservation in every aspect of life, especially in food and beverage. This way, illness can be prevented before it befalls.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdelazeez et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Abdelazeez, S. M. E., Al-Yahya, S. M. C. S. A., & Zakaria, N. (2021). Prophetic Guidance in The Prevention of Diseases and Outbreaks. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1289-1296.
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