International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Lokan (Marsh Clam) Festival and the Rungus Ethnic Group Participant in Community-Based Aquaculture Program, North Borneo, Malaysia

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Communities undertake various strategies to ensure that the development programs introduced to them can sustain. For participants of the Lokan (Marsh Clam) Acquaculture Project in Kopunadan Village, Matunggong, North Borneo which consists of the Rungus ethnic group, Lokan Festival is one of the platform for income sustainability among the program participants. When first introduced in 2016, Lokan Fiesta managed to bring together the Kopunadan villegers and attracted the surrounding communities to make this festival a success. Filling the festival raised lokan as the main product of the festival through lokan burning activities, experience collecting lokan at the mangroves, sale of raw lokan, lokan cooking competition and lokan-based children's fashion show. In addition, the Rungus cultural performances such as dancing and singing were also performed. The community also wears traditional dress and displays the cultural product for the gaze of visitors. Thus, the Lokan Festival has become a community meeting ground, a location to generate side income, especially the participants of the Lokan Aquaculture Project and at the same time promote the culture of the Rungus ethnic group.
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In-Text Citation: (Shah et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Shah, J. M., Hamdan, D. D. M., Hussin, R., & Isa, K. (2021). The Lokan (Marsh Clam) Festival and the Rungus Ethnic Group Participant in Community-Based Aquaculture Program, North Borneo, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1258–1269.