Motivation is an important element in determining students’ learning and achievements during their study period. This study investigates problems faced by students in writing a dissertation at the postgraduate level. Postgraduate and research students are found to be under constant pressure which leads to demotivation to finish their studies within the candidacy period. This article utilizes the cross-sectional quantitative research method. The research data were obtained through self-administered online questionnaires that were distributed to 72 postgraduate students from 3 different programs who were selected using the convenient sampling technique. The research participants are those who have opted to write a dissertation as a partial requirement to graduate. The findings were analyzed using mean statistics to explore rhetorical problems learners face in the writing of their dissertation. The findings show that the value component that includes intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation portrays the respondents' priority to make sure that they can better understand the requirements in writing the dissertation. Nevertheless, results of the study which has been developed under the three main components items namely value , expectancy and affective are useful for teachers to take into consideration the factors that motivate and influence postgraduate students to keep writing their dissertation. Hence, future researchers should consider bringing the study to another level by including students’ participation from myriad universities and states to ensure that a better solution can be provided in enhancing students’ motivation in writing their dissertation.
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In-Text Citation: (Zainuddin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zainuddin, A., Rahim, M. A., Yusof, R., Samad, S. A., Harith, N. H. M., & Rahmat, N. H. (2021). Analyzing Postgraduates’ Motivation in Writing Master Dissertation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1149–1170.
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