International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Reproductive Rights of Married Women: A Case Study in Selangor

Open access

Norhana Ahad, Mohammad Fahmi Abdul Hamid, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Mohd Syukri Mohd Noor, Nurul Hidayah Aziz

Pages 1118-1131 Received: 16 Oct, 2021 Revised: 20 Nov, 2021 Published Online: 12 Dec, 2021
Married women are often exposed to the situations of ‘victims’ of discrimination, which is proclaimed on the ticket of obedience to the husband. Allowing every married woman to carry out her reproductive role well without any coercion and violence is a right that should be upheld by the entire family, especially the husbands. This can be seen through their right to undergo a reproductive role such as the decision to marry without coercion from any party, healthy domestic sexuality from any pressure, discriminatory practices, violence and free family planning. This matter should not be taken lightly so that there is no neglect and discrimination when they exercise the reproductive rights role of the women themselves. So, based on the community in Selangor, including women and men, this study focuses on the differences in the practices of reproductive rights of married women. The qualitative method is thru interviews with the authorities in the respective field, and of quantitative by questionnaire distributions to 472 respondents. The main results of this study through Chi Square test and Regression Logistics Stepwise method found that only aspects of pregnancy and birth were significant with the reproductive rights of married women. This indicates that there is still a protracted polemic at the domestic level for other elements such as involuntary sexual practices, unwanted pregnancies, rejection of family planning and even the practice of domestic violence. Such a thing should not happen to protect the rights of the reproductive role of women, other than underlying the household with the organization of mu‘?sharah bi al-ma‘r?f, so that the rights and justice of all parties can be fulfilled. Thus, the series of polemics seen in the state of Selangor on the neglect of the reproductive rights of married women, it is appropriate to expand this study to other zones in Peninsular Malaysia to obtain a more dominant result in looking at the current practice of reproductive rights of married women in this country.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ahad, N., Hamid, M. F. A., Ariffin, M. F. M., Noor, M. S. M., & Aziz, N. H. (2021). Reproductive Rights of Married Women: A Case Study in Selangor. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1118–1131.