Issues related to sexual misconduct have always been one of the factors causing breakdown of values and moral. This problem occurs not only in Malaysia, but in almost every country in the world. However, perspective on sexual misconduct might vary according to race, customs, and countries. Consequently, this study focuses on the issues of sexual misconduct from the Islamic perspective by evaluating them based on the Quranic sources in view of its relation with an element of maq??id al-shar?'ah, i.e. the Protection of Lineage, which has always been stressed in Islamic law. This study purports to identify the factors contributing to sexual misconduct during the time of Prophet Joseph and Prophet Lu?, as well as emphasizing on the ways to solve these symptoms through ibrah (lessons) found in the Quran. Data collection is from secondary resources on the basis of literature studies and the collected data were analysed using content analysis. The findings showed five main factors of sexual misconduct; they are attraction towards physical appearance, seduction, existing opportunity, ignorance, and temptation of unnatural desire. The approach to address these issues involve outward methods such as giving advice and da’wah (call toward God) in wise manner. While spiritually, dependency on Allah through prayers and tawakkul (reliance) is continually practised as the main basis of submission to Him. Such methods that have been utilized to address sexual misconduct are still relevant to be implemented and applied in our times, specifically in our country, in order to curb and curtail the problem as well as safeguard the well-being of the ummah and the nation.
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In-Text Citation: (Mustapha et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mustapha, A. M., Rahman, M. Z. A., & Ahmad, M. M. A. (2021). An Approach to Address Sexual Misconduct Through the Lessons Found in The Stories of Prophet Joseph and Prophet Lu? in The Quran. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 997–1007.
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