Al-Nabr is an element in voice intonation related to Quranic recitation that holds implication to the meaning of word recited. Scholars of vocal phonetics and qurra (reciters) have explained on subject of al-nabr through respective fields’ perspective. However, incompleteness of recitation by ignoring al-nabr aspect has been connected to recitation error although there is no clear argument on this subject except several general discussions on it. Therefore, to validify the existence of al-nabr recitation dan its practice among reciters then analysis of recitation through spectrographic method was performed on recordings of recitation from authorised reciters. Analysis found that al-nabr recitation is not a practice among the reciters and as a whole explains their practical recitation practice on this al-nabr.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan & Yasin, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, A., & Yasin, M. F. M. (2021). Al-Nabr: Analisis of Quranic Recitation through Spectrographic Method. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 988-996.
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