The appreciation of monotheism in Islam (Tawhid) is one of the essential aspects that are frequently addressed, precisely in the Islamic faith by the ulama Aqidah and the Sufi scholars in the discipline of discipline Sufism. However, there are still not many studies emphasizing that it is associated explicitly with Malaysian scholarly. This study aims to shine a light on the implementation model of Tawhid Haqiqi (Perfect Tawhid) in line with the renowned Sufi figure in the archipelago, namely Sayyid Abdul Rahman Bin Muhammad Bin Zayn al-Idrus, also known as Tok Ku Paloh. This qualitative study uses a content analysis approach based on the scholar's work to obtain his particular thought written into his principal manuscript titled Ma'arij al-Lahfan Li al-Taraqqi Ila Haqaiq al-Irfan. The study came up with a model named Tauhid Haqiqi Tok Ku Model, referring to the implementation of an authentic monotheism according to his well-grounded theory on the sentence of Tawhid La Ilahi Illa Allah. The study found that applying values to the soul appreciates that only Allah has actual existence. Thus, all beings must only wish to Allah to create each moment of his existence, for they do not have the fact of real presence. The realization of values is so-called authentic monotheism. The research concludes that Tawhid Haqiqi's model can develop the personality of a Muhsin proposed by the Prophet. ?: that you become the servant of God who adores only Allah as if you see Him. Otherwise, you feel as if He is watching over you at all times.
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In-Text Citation: (Omar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Omar, S. H. S., Zin, E. I. E. W., & Yahya, N. H. (2021). The Perfect Tawhid Model Proportional to Tok Ku Paloh, Nineteenth-Century Malaysian Sufis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 976–980.
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