International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Study on Internship Determinants that Influence Company Contentment among Computer Science Students in UiTM Tapah

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In Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), the internship training for Diploma in Computer Science students is conducted over the course of two months per semester. It is stipulated in the curriculum, aiming to develop the students’ ability to apply academic knowledge and theories at the workplaces, enhance their soft skills, and familiarize themselves with the actual working environments. It also intends to make the students’ skills being relevant in the job market by exploring and engaging various partners and networks among the industries. It is because many employers regard this period as a chance to vet new employees for future employment. However, the number of graduates continues to increase annually, and this could increase the graduate unemployment rate. Therefore, this study intends to discover the determinants that influence Company Contentment using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The obtained results could help the students to seek a way out due to the intense competition among them. This study involved 113 Diploma in Computer Science students at UiTM Perak Branch, Tapah Campus who attended internship at particular companies. The data is the evaluation marks assessed by the internship supervisors in the companies to the assigned students. The evaluation marks were awarded by considering seven determinants of Interpersonal Skills, Communication Skills, Intellectual Skills, Initiative Skills, Job Attitude, Personal Efficiency, and Leadership Skills. It was found that Communication Skills, Job Attitude, and Leadership Skills influenced Company Contentment.
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In-Text Citation: (Jamian et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Jamian, N. H., Awang@Ali, N., & Saleh, S. S. M. (2021). A Study on Internship Determinants that Influence Company Contentment among Computer Science Students in UiTM Tapah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 805–815.