Religious personality is closely related to the concept of religiosity where Muslim behavior is shaped by appreciation and practice in religion. An individual with a religious personality refers to an individual who has a personality or behavior that results from the great influence of aspects of religiosity on his life as a Muslim. This study aims to develop a Religious Personality Module based on al-Ghazali’s Religious Personality Model and the MRPI (Muslim Religiosity-Personality Inventory) Model. Module construction is based on the Sidek Module Development Model. The process of identifying the content of the module is from a critical and extensive literature review. This study produced a draft module that has six constructs based on the dimensions of religious personality in MRPI Model, namely a relationship with Allah SWT, a relationship with human beings, a relationship with oneself and a relationship with nature. Each construct is divided into sub-constructs based on al-Ghazali's Religious Personality Model, namely mujahadah al-nafs and riyadhah al-nafs which are the basis for the construction of twelve activities in the module. Thus, further studies are recommended to explore the validity and reliability of the module draft before testing its effectiveness in enhancing the religious personality of Muslim.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, N., Makhsin, M., Ismail, U. S., Rahim, S. I. A., & Zain, Z. M. (2021). The Development of Religious Personality Module Based on MRPI Model and Al-Ghazali Religious Personality Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 725–733.
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