International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring the Determinants for Strengthening the Training Quality for Mathematics Teachers in Oman

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Keeping in view the research objective “To determine the strengths of mathematics teachers training in SIPTT from trainees’ perspective” current research attempted to explore the factors affecting the training quality and become a point of strength for mathematics teachers training in SIPTT. For achieving this purpose, recent research focused to conduct interviews. In total 12 online interviews were conducted due to the strictness of covid-19 regulations. The current research used a single instrumental qualitative case study to gather extensive data from trainees’ perceptions to understand poor training results and withdrawal. Based on the interview data current research explored Context, Administration, Input, Process, and Output) factors as strengthening points for training qualities. Current research possesses remarkable implications and contributions towards the quality of mathematic teachers in Oman.
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In-Text Citation: (Alwahaibi & Johari, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Alwahaibi, S. S., & Johari, J. (2021). Exploring the Determinants for Strengthening the Training Quality for Mathematics Teachers in Oman. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 657–668.