International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Gender Analyses on Knowledge and Awareness of COVID-19 on Wearing Face Mask Behaviour for Self-Protection among Elderly Malaysians

Open access

Zumilah Zainalaludin, Hazwan Mat Din, Norehan Saidi, Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat, Raja Nurzatul Efah Raja Adnan, Siti Aisyah Nor Akahbar

Pages 583-600 Received: 17 Oct, 2021 Revised: 21 Nov, 2021 Published Online: 18 Dec, 2021
This paper aimed to measure the variable that predicts the likelihood of female respondents to wear face mask. The data were collected (n=501) through online survey using Google Form. The set of questionnaire included the respondents’ background, knowledge about COVID-19, the awareness on COVID-19, and behaviour related to COVID-19 protection especially in wearing a face mask, washing hands, and social distance. Respondents in this study comprised the majority of females, Malay ethnic and from urban areas, at average age=65.55 years old. Majority (75.25%) reported that they are unemployed, married (78.24%), and had tertiary education (74.85%). Knowledge and awareness on COVID-19 significantly predict respondents to wear face mask. High knowledge predicts 19.194 times the likelihood of respondents to wear face mask, and high awareness predicts that less than 95.6% of respondents to wear face mask. Nevertheless, no variable predicts male respondents to wear face mask, and only high knowledge in COVID-19 predicts 41.340 times the likelihood of female respondents to wear a face mask. As conclusion, only high knowledge of COVID-19 predicts the behaviour of wearing face mask. Thus, effort should be focused on providing the public with good knowledge of COVID-19 to sustain good behaviour with regard to COVID-19 protection.
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In-Text Citation: (Zainalaludin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zainalaludin, Z., Din, H. M., Saidi, N., Minhat, H. S., Adnan, R. N. E. R., & Akahbar, S. A. N. (2021). Gender Analyses on Knowledge and Awareness of COVID-19 on Wearing Face Mask Behaviour for Self-Protection among Elderly Malaysians. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 583-600.